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How to Convert a Garage into a Room: A Canadian Guide

How to Convert a Garage into a Room: A Canadian Guide

Increase your living space and add value to your home with this comprehensive guide on converting a garage into a room. This article will cover factors affecting garage conversion costs, types of conversions, legal considerations, and a detailed step-by-step guide.

Factors Affecting a Garage Conversion

Every garage conversion project is unique, and several factors can influence the cost, timescale, and scope of your project:

  1. Current Garage Condition: A garage in good condition will be easier and cheaper to convert. Poor condition garages require more work and higher costs.
  2. Type of Conversion: The intended use of the converted space (e.g., bathroom, living room) will affect the level of finish and cost.
  3. Added Extras: Features such as underfloor heating, plumbing, gas, or air conditioning will increase the project’s complexity and cost.

Types of Garage Conversion

Different types of garages can be converted into livable spaces:

  • Attached Garage: Connected to your home.
  • Detached Garage: A separate building.
  • Integral Garage: Built into the house’s walls.
  • Double Garage: Wide enough for two cars.
  • Partial Garage Conversion: Converting only part of the garage.


Ensure you follow all legal requirements. Garage conversions usually fall under permitted development, but it’s essential to check if planning permission is needed and comply with building regulations.

Important Considerations

Before starting your garage conversion, consider the following:

  • Planning and Preparation: Hire an architect if needed and plan your budget.
  • Purpose: Decide the new use of the space.
  • Hiring Tradespeople: Get quotes from different professionals and consider project management services.
  • Garage Survey: Check the structural integrity and potential need for additional foundations or damp-proof membranes.

Garage Conversion Guide

Here are the steps for converting a garage into a room:

  1. Planning: Draw up plans, check legal requirements, hire professionals, and set your budget.
  2. Preparation: Excavate foundations, address drainage, install floor slabs, and erect scaffolding.
  3. Construction: Insulate walls and roof, plaster, install doors and windows, and ensure proper ventilation.
  4. Fitting and Fixtures: Install utilities such as electrics, plumbing, and heating.
  5. Decoration: Paint, wallpaper, and add flooring.
  6. Finishing Touches: Add personal elements like lighting, furniture, and decor.

Specific Room Requirements

Consider additional requirements based on the room type:

  • Gym: Install air conditioning, padded flooring, mirrors, and wall storage.
  • Bathroom: Ensure plumbing, waterproofing, and ventilation.
  • Office: Add insulation, heating, windows, and electrical outlets.


  • How long does converting a garage take?
    Typically, a garage conversion takes 25-40 weeks, depending on the project’s complexity.
  • How much does it cost to convert a garage?
    Garage conversion costs in Canada range from CAD 9,570 to CAD 43,500. DIY conversions can cost between CAD 4,350 and CAD 10,440.
  • What is the cheapest way to convert a garage?
    Detached and attached garages are usually cheaper to convert. Keeping the space separate and avoiding major plumbing or electrical work can save money.
  • Does a garage conversion add value to my home?
    Yes, a garage conversion can add up to 20% to your home’s value, depending on the quality and use of the converted space.

After Conversion Cleaning services

Once your garage conversion is complete, you might need a final cleaning to ensure your new space is spotless. Contact Anyclean for professional cleaning services. Book online at for a thorough, hassle-free cleaning solution to complement your newly converted room.