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How Much Does a Garage Conversion Cost in Canada in 2024?

Garage Conversion Costs in Canada for 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlock the potential of your underutilized garage by converting it into a functional space. Whether you need an extra bedroom, a home office, or a new living area, a garage conversion can provide a cost-effective solution. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about garage conversion costs in Canada, including detailed pricing information and factors that can influence these costs.

Average Garage Conversion Costs in Canada

Based on a 16m² structure, the average cost for converting a garage in Canada ranges from CAD 17,400 to CAD 34,800. These costs include basic fit-out expenses such as insulation and screed over the existing slab, suitable services for the full extent of the work, blocking up the existing garage door, and battening and insulating external walls. However, these estimates do not include moving meter boxes, cutting out doorways to external walls, or additional kitchen and bathroom fixtures.

Cost per Square Meter

The cost of converting a garage per square meter ranges from CAD 1,087.50 to CAD 2,175. Comparing this to the average cost of a house extension, which ranges from CAD 3,132 to CAD 5,220 per square meter, it’s clear that garage conversions are a more budget-friendly option.

Labour Costs

The following table provides an estimate of labour costs for various tradespeople involved in a garage conversion:

Factors Influencing the Cost

Several factors can influence the total cost of your garage conversion, including:

  • Type of Garage: Attached, detached, or integral garages have different cost implications due to the varying ease of access to existing utilities.
  • Size: The larger the garage, the higher the cost due to increased materials and labour.
  • Intended Use: Converting a garage into a bedroom, living room, or office typically costs less than transforming it into a kitchen or bathroom due to the need for additional plumbing and electrical work.
  • Quality of Structure: If your garage is in poor condition, additional costs may arise from necessary structural repairs or upgrades.
  • Heating and Insulation: Adding heating solutions like radiators or underfloor heating and ensuring proper insulation can add to the overall cost.

Benefits of a Garage Conversion

  • Cost-Effective: A garage conversion is generally cheaper than building a new extension.
  • Increased Home Value: A well-executed conversion can add up to 20% to your home’s value.
  • Additional Living Space: Transform an underused space into a functional room to meet your family’s changing needs without sacrificing garden space.

Do You Need an Architect?

While many garage conversions fall under permitted development rights and do not require planning permission, involving an architect can be beneficial. Architect drawings can help maximize the space, provide clear project guidelines for tradespeople, and ensure compliance with building regulations. The cost for architect drawings for a garage conversion in Canada is approximately CAD 3,480.

Planning Permission and Building Regulations

In most cases, planning permission is not needed for garage conversions in Canada, provided the project meets local development regulations. However, always check with your local planning office to confirm any restrictions. Additionally, all work must comply with building regulations, and you’ll need to obtain a completion certificate from your local authority or a private approved inspector.

What to Expect During a Garage Conversion

Here are the main steps involved in a garage conversion:

  1. Structure: Reinforcing walls, adding insulation, and ensuring the structure is sound.
  2. Flooring: Adding floor insulation and a damp proof membrane.
  3. Garage Door: Removing the garage door and replacing it with a wall, window, or door.
  4. Utilities: Upgrading electrical systems and adding heating and plumbing as needed.
  5. Finishing: Plastering, decorating, and adding any necessary joinery.

DIY vs. Professional Conversion

While some aspects of a garage conversion can be handled as DIY projects, such as painting and decorating, most of the work requires professional skills. Attempting a DIY conversion without the necessary expertise can lead to costly mistakes and non-compliance with building regulations. A DIY garage conversion costs between CAD 7,830 and CAD 17,400, but hiring professionals ensures a higher quality and compliant result.

Key Takeaways

  • Garage conversions are a cost-effective way to add living space compared to building extensions.
  • Costs vary depending on the type of garage, its condition, and the intended use of the converted space.
  • Labour costs and the involvement of various tradespeople significantly impact the overall cost.
  • Most garage conversions do not require planning permission but must comply with building regulations.
  • Hiring professionals is recommended for the best results and to ensure compliance with regulations.

Converting your garage can provide valuable additional space and increase your home’s value. For personalized quotes and professional assistance, search for local tradespeople in your area.

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